What We Do

We are an innovative solution-driven company that understands your complex problem and designs simple solutions that help maximize functionality.


Establish Problem

"How can this be better?" is a question we often ask ourselves. Finding an object or task that can be improved is our first step. We constantly asked ourselves,
"What if we do this?"


Research & Development

Through our vast network of contacts, we are able to reach out to people who work in the field of interest that we are researching. This gives us the best knowledge for developing our solution.


Design Solution

Designing the solution that makes the most sense is what Innovative Product Design is all about. We create the most efficient answer to the problem.


Bring to Market

Generating a solution is one thing, but getting it produced is entirely different. When a solution is reached, we are able to work with manufacturers to create the innovation we design.


Have a problem? We have the solution.

Introducing the Allen Harness


The Allen Harness is a patented Class III harness integrated into the turn-out gear for the fire service. This provides every firefighter with an unparalleled level of safety and preparedness every time they put their gear on.



Safety comes first, right?

Picture this: the employees at your local hardware store are required to wear a safety harness when going 6 feet up on a forklift. Firefighters are out risking their lives everyday on rooftops without the proper protection.

Enter the Allen Harness. With its patented technology and design, the Allen Harness not only allows you to save yourself, but also lets firefighters work safely on rooftops, ladders, and in other hazardous situations. No other harness on the market provides this level of complete protection and versatility.

Help us save firefighter's lives.

Ask us how you can get involved and make a difference.


Frequently Asked Questions

If I am wearing my turnout coat and a call comes in do I have to remove it to put on my bunker pants?

No. It does not matter in what order you put your gear on. You may put on the bunker pants first or the turnout coat first. 

How easy is it to put the Allen Harness on?

It is as easy to put on as your present turnout gear. The Allen Harness is installed between the liner and the outer shell of your turnout coat or bunker pants and will not interfere with the donning or removal of your turnout gear. 

Will the Allen Harness hinder my movements during non-rescue operations?

No. The Allen Harness will be attached to your liner between the liner and the outer shell. You will hardly know it is there.

Is there any adjustment to my Allen Harness once it is installed?

Yes. All harnesses will have four points of adjustment that can be easily made any time after the installation.

If I carry a self rescue device, is it difficult to install on my Allen Harness?

No. The carabiner for your self rescue device can be attached to the front D ring on your pants and remain there at all times to be ready for use at a moments notice. The buckle for your pants is offset to leave this D ring centered on your pants. Now every time you unbuckle your pants to remove them the descending device will move off to the side. When you put your pants back on and buckle them your descending device will be back in position, centered and ready to be used again without any adjustment necessary. 

Can I buy the Allen Harness directly from you?

No. The Allen Harness must be purchased through your turnout gear manufacture to either be installed during the construction of your new turnout gear or retrofitted to your existing turnout gear to ensure proper installation. This will ensure the integrity of your manufacturers warranties on your turnout gear. 


For all inquiries, please fill out the form and we will reach out to you shortly.